Now, I have nothing against anime fans. In fact, I'm an anime fan myself, albeit a bit more casual. But let's get real, cosplay is just stupid and wrong. Cosplayers to anime is like Trekies to Star Trek. Now, don't get me wrong, I like anime. But I don't cosplay. Why would I want to? I don't even dress up for Halloween, I just put on a mask and go around with a knife scaring little kids.
This rant ties to an experience I just saw this weekend at Suncoast. Here I am, in the store with my friend browsing the collection of anime and hentai DVDs, and these cosplayers were being loud and obnoxious talking about Bleach and Naruto. My friend walks up to the very bad looking Inuyasha cosplayer (Because let's face it, only fucking ugly people cosplay), and he says "Who are you supposed to be, Sesshoumaru?". The cosplayer must have been offended, because he went batshit on my friend. "NO I'M INUYASHA! CAN'T YOU TELL?!". My friend simply responded with "Well, they look so alike, and I mean, you were turned around." So they continued about the anime they see on Cartoon Network, and because I'm the asshole I am, I ask "So, have you guys seen Mobile Suit Gundam?." Another cosplayer says "No way! We only like Gundam Wing and Gundam SEED." I just shrugged it off, they were only proving my earlier point. So my friend and I go to buy our things, and this lady and her husband walk into the store. They see the cosplayers acting like idiots and she says to him "They better not be back there trying to run the store." At this point, my friend and I left and went to Taco Bell for lunch.
A few days later, we went back to Suncoast and brought up the cosplayers to the manager, a pretty cool dude named Jackson. He agreed, calling them idiots and cosplay retarded. But only when we talked to Cesar (pronounced SAY-zar), did we find someone who felt the need to defend them. Infact, he went as far to pull sports into the argument. He was telling me how a sports fan can dress up and support their team, why can't an anime fan cosplay? Well, I argued with this counter-point. When a sports fan dresses up crazy for a football game, it's to be expected. He loves his team. But out in public, he's normal. He might wear a jersey, sure, but it's just a sports shirt. Infact, even when he dresses for the game, he doesn't go out to malls dressed up like that. But cosplayers cosplay at malls, and almost every where. Not just anime conventions. It's stupid. I also brought up how when white people dance to hip hop, they tend to look out of place compared to someone black. Or when white people wear their hats to the side. It's a black cultural thing, and no one else should be doing it, because then they look stupid. It's the same thing with cosplay. Only asians should do it. PERIOD.
Cesar seemed to angry because I had "played the race card". He said "Well you're discrminating against cosplayers like the white people did to Rosa Parks on the bus." How in the hell are those two situations similar? I guess maybe in some aspects, but he compared me to a KKK member. For what? Discriminating against my own race? God, I hate it when people defend cosplay.
^Is there anything wrong there?
No, there isn't. People just need to shut up and leave the cosplaying to asians.
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