I just got an email from Liar, which absolutely made my day and gave me the giggles. I shall now post it in its entirety for you all to see.
from: not_telling_a_soul@hotmail.com
subject: Response to your fucked up blog
You fucking asshole. "Would like to stay friends" my ass. I just blocked you for a few days, and removed you from facebook. So much for that eh? Fuck that. Yes, I read your blog. You know what? My parents do notice I go missing, they just don't ask questions, they assume I head over to my friends house. Yes, I was raped twice in one month, there are two fucking police reports on it. No, I've never been fucking kidnapped or said so. Chris didn't fake his death so he didn't have to put up with my shit anymore, he faked it because he's in a worse situation then I am, do I care if you believe me? No. Thought I'd point out the truth, seeings as you are in need of getting your facts straight.
As for still being alive? I told you I broke a rib and shattered another one, thats from them. Then again you're a messed up fuck who gets high because his life is "so fucked up and miserable." I've never claimed I was about to die, and my ribs and being stabbed are the only things I ever fucking told you about, and have ever fucking happened.
Also, I removed you way before you removed me, so thanks for making it seem like you did it first. I've been to the police, and then never did fuck all. I've never been abducted, or kidnapped by the mafia. If anything, my brothers came and grabbed me. I've been over our conversations, and you make up a shit load of lies. Do you get off on that, seeing as you can't find a girl to do it for you?
You wanna talk about physic vampires? Look in a fucking mirror. I've tried god knows how many time to walk away, even gave you the choice, but someone wanted to stick the fuck around. God, I'm sorry I put up with all YOUR shit. You need some therapy, sereious. I mean c'mon, finding your biologicals and them not wanting you so you're stuck with your "shitty and controling" adoptive parents? Really, you need help if not even your family wants you.
Fuck you, and go get a life. Ruining someone elses, and then trying to pin it on them, isn't a life. It's one fucked up mental situation that needs to be in a psyc ward.
As for Chels, if you and her are still talking, tell her she can go fuck herself too.
Priceless. Just priceless. So my response was:
Maybe if you read Anton LaVey's essay you'd be able to respond better. The reason psychic vampires are so dangerous is because they make you feel compelled to be around them. I honestly felt like I HAD to stay in contact with you, or else you'd do some crazy emo shit. As for the rant, don't bullshit, Erin. You told so many lies you probably can't even keep up with them all anymore. Oh, and my birth family not wanting me? Really? I'm pretty sure I still live with my adoptive parents because it's closer to school. See, when I troll, at least my trolls make sense.
You seriously need to learn how to type, by the way.
I hope you read this too, Erin, and then send me another raging email so I can post it here as well and laugh my ass off while you continue to make yourself look like a moron.
Oh, and all you other readers out there? Feel free to troll that email. I put it up there for a reason.
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